Juan Manuel Lumbreras. Art Gallery
Located in the middle of the Ensanche de Bilbao, it is 400 m equidistant from the Guggenheim Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts, forming a triangle with them. The gallery has a surface area of 450 m2 over two levels dedicated to exhibitions, art collections, a storage area, an administrative area and amenities. Its artistic project encompasses contemporary artists and the historical greats and it promotes the work of young artists on paper media.
TOP PRODUCT: Painting, sculpture, photography, paper media, installations and video art by contemporary artists.
Tratu pertsonalizatua eta prezio bereziak Bilbao Bizkaia Card txartela erakusten duten bezeroentzatd
Henao Kalea, 3, 48009 Bilbo, Bizkaia
+34 944 24 45 45
MoyĂșa, Indautxu
Kontsultatu webgunean ordutegia